Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Japanese Invent Steak Made From Human Feces

Poo steaks sizzling on the grill.
Leave it to those whacky Japanese people: Tokyo Sewage recently hired a researcher to figure out what to do with the city's excess of sewage and what did he come up with? Let's turn it into food!

I know, total yuck. And it gets even grosser:

"To make swallowing the stool steaks a little bit easier, a nutty flavor was added using soy protein, and red food coloring was mixed in too, apparently to make the concoction look more like a juicy, bloody steak. A few brave researchers even took the plunge and taste-tested the product. (Apparently it tastes like regular beef.)"

Was the poop not nutty enough already? Very sorry if you were trying to enjoy a meal while reading this post. You can check out the full story here.

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